Recent Updates
As of December 2024, we now have more people registered with Harbour (1,677)
than ever before! This demonstrates that the need for our work remains, and we
must continue to respond to the changing needs our Visitors have. The past 12
months have seen the demographic of our people changing, most notably the
fact that we now have more people with Refugee Status than those with an
outstanding asylum claim.
There has been significant team changes at Harbour in 2024. We welcomed
Rebecca Chick in January as our new Young Visitor Engagement Lead, and
Mohamed Yahya joined in July as an Advisor, and both have been amazing
additions to the team.
Claire Garrett and Mindy Sandhu both retired at the end of 2024. They have been
hugely valuable members of the Harbour family for many years, and we will all be
sad to see them go. We thank them for everything they have done for Harbour.
With Claire’s announcement to leave Harbour, Tom Bain was selected to be her
successor at CEO.
There has also been change within The Board of Trustees, as David Rowlands
decided to step down as Chair. In July 2024, Emma Graham was approved by all
Trustees to be his successor. We are very happy to report that David will
continue as Vice Chair.